Be Our Guest
Would you like to be a guest on the podcast, and receive a complimentary energy healing session with Patrick Rodriguez?
This podcast is to demonstrate how energy healing can help facilitate changes in people’s lives. As a guest on the show you will receive a complimentary energy healing session.
The call will be recorded with the intention of using segments for the show. No private or identifying information will appear in the final broadcast, if any segments are published.
All rights to the recording will be held by Patrick Rodriguez for marketing, promotion, teaching and most importantly; for the intended purpose of helping to heal a wide audience of listeners.
I am a strong believer that as we heal, we heal the world. I believe that people listening will gain the courage and strength to look within themselves when they hear another person going through similar issues.
My invitation is to be a guest on the podcast but the real invitation is to join me in helping to heal the world.
Ready to get started?